Stuff to Improve
America is a mixture. Sometimes we are tolerant. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are examples of toleration.
Sometimes we are intolerant. Slavery and segregation was the result extreme intolerance. Racial prejudice, or gender prejudice of any sort is a terrible intolerance. Intolerance toward immigration is an intolerance that is with us now.
I am not sympathetic to the argument that if someone comes from far away, learns a new language, adapts to a new culture and succeeds here, my job is taken.
I have every advantage, the same culture, one language to learn, a family support system, an opportunity to take advantage of the best educational system in the whole wide world. If someone is taking my job, it is my fault. I screwed up.
The only way we can show that immigration helps everyone is to have a well organized, benefit paying company that makes things better not worse.
We have to confront the issue of blaming. If we are pulling orders wrong, the best approach is to have someone else check the accuracy of our shipments before they go out.
Humans make mistakes. Humans are selfish. Humans are irresponsible. Pointing out the obvious is a dead end. Blaming just create needless stress and solves nothing. The threat to our survival is the blamer, not the mistake. We need to improve our system. Improving humans (other than ourselves) is not within our power.
Finally, abuse of each other is not acceptable. We all think we know best. We live the way we do because we think it is the best path for us. We make always make decisions that we think are good decisions.
That we are wise and good compared to everyone else is probably best shown by how little we abuse and how much we help others. We need to work harder at that.
You, for a time, certainly could run this business more to your benefit.
No one knows if you could run it better for everyone's benefit. We can only make guesses. How well in general does your life run? What is the chance you would give away 25% of the profits? How many Sundays are you here? What is your personal vacation policy? What would you pay yourself? How well do you handle money? How generous are you? How much do you now about business?
So here we are, for better or for worse. We have a lot of stuff to improve on. We need to get started better organizing our company now.