Do you know that if you walk to work on Sunday, pick up rocks and grow grass you are weird, but if you do nothing constructive all weekend, no one is threatened by your behavior and no one will call you names.
If a business treats the bosses as if they are special and the employees like they are not, nobody cares, but try to treat people like the US Constitution says they should be treated you will be in a fight every day.
We are equal here. We will fight to enforce the highest values of America. We will succeed or fail together and get equal credit. We will grow grass, plant trees, make gardens and dig up rocks. We will not be weakened by the negativity of those that do nothing and say we did it wrong, did not do it well enough, or should copy the low standards of some awful place nearby.
There are plenty of places were it is okay to treat people wrong. There are entire countries that are afraid of change. There may even be people here that do not believe that we are good and are trying to make everything around us better.
If together we are willing to defend the best American values and the highest human values they will continue to exist here. Please try to make this place better, otherwise it is bound to get even worse.