Welcome to our site. Sometime during January 1981 I ventured out of my garage in an old green car, and got a sale. The customer did not pay for 90 days...
I was given an idea true and not true all at once. The idea is that if with utmost devotion you pursue what you most desire you will not have it, but if you leave it at the edges of ...
If you are a perfect customer please buy from us. We are far from perfect and you could immediately upgrade our operation. A skilled customer will anticipate that his ...
We have been trying to figure out a way to brighten our future despite our lackluster past two decades. We have been trying to come up with some kind of slogan that ...
One of our workers is in prison, but will be back soon. We write to each other. We dream of a better world. We know the world is better than it was when we were young, ...
America is a mixture. Sometimes we are tolerant. Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are examples of toleration.
Sometimes we are intolerant. Slavery and...
The tree I have nurtured for two years is destroyed. Its death reminds me of a son I lost. Every little good I try to do is opposed with a greater force...
Do you know that if you walk to work on Sunday, pick up rocks and grow grass you are weird, but if you do nothing constructive all weekend, no one is threatened by your ...
I am 61. It was a short trip on a rocket sled. I was too occupied to notice much. Why me, why must I wake up with my faced pressed against eternity? I am uneasy about being...
People important to me are in the late stages of dying. It makes me think about living.
In the dying what I remember is unselfishness, good-heartedness, kindness..
I wake with a start. My recurring dream occurs again. It is really only a question. My dream asks how can people be happier?
I look at the moon. What I see depends...
June 2024
On a wet early Sunday morning I picked up trash again on the quiet street near our wild meadows full of flocks of butterflies and probably thousands of flowers....
July 2024
Imagine you are a small business called Britain and you have the biggest customer in the world called Europe and you are an important member of your customer's board of directors.....