3M-Matic Infeed/Exit Conveyor for SST
3M-Matic Infeed/Exit Conveyor for SST
3M-Matic Infeed/Exit Conveyor for SST is a stainless steel ball bearing rollers and frame that bolts to case sealer. Offers transition from existing conveyor lines in and out of case sealer. Provides pack area surface for cases at infeed. Facilitates flow of sealed cases at either infeed or exit.
Product ID: 3M SST if/ex UPC: 00-048011-58117-0, 00048011581170 Stock ID: 70-0064-0378-9, 70006403789
Product ID : SST if/ex
Units per Pallet : 16 Each
Harmonizing Code : 8428330000
Units per Pallet : 16 Each
Harmonizing Code : 8428330000