3M 110V Release Module AB 140MT-C-UXD, 78-0025-2083-7
Please note, coil 78-8137-0604-7 is phasing out and will eventually be obsolete, no longer able to purchase. If you still have an old Allen Bradley circuit breaker which starts with 140M, and the 78-8137-0607-7 coil is obsolete, you will need to purchase a new circuit breaker (see note below to determine which new circuit breaker to purchase) + kit (78-0025-2076-1) for the new coil 78-0025-2083-7 to work.***
If old Circuit Breaker is 1.0 – 1.6A - purchase 78-0025-0905-3
If old Circuit Breaker is 1.6 – 2.5A - purchase 78-0025-0906-1
If old Circuit Breaker is 2.5 – 4.0A - purchase 78-0025-0907-9
If old Circuit Breaker is 4.0 – 6.3A - purchase 78-0025-0908-7
Product ID : Module
Harmonizing Code : 8536200040