Air Ionizers
The use of ionized air in electronics work environments eliminates the build-up of potentially damaging static charges. Air ionizers are primarily used to control static charge on nonconductive materials. Grounding is normally used to control charge on conductive objects and personnel; however, nonconductors cannot be grounded to drain electrostatic charge. Ionization is the only method of neutralizing a static charge on a nonconductor. Ionized air can neutralize static charges on circuit board substrates, insulating tapes, and plastic objects found in the work area. SCS offers several models to choose from.
The use of ionized air in electronics work environments eliminates the build-up of potentially damaging static charges. Air ionizers are primarily used to control static charge on nonconductive materials. Grounding is normally used to control charge on conductive objects and personnel; however, nonconductors cannot be grounded to drain electrostatic charge. Ionization is the only method of neutralizing a static charge on a nonconductor. Ionized air can neutralize static charges on circuit board substrates, insulating tapes, and plastic objects found in the work area. SCS offers several models to choose from.