3M ScotchCode STD-TAG Dispensers
The patented 3M ScotchCode STD-TAG Dispenser simplifies the process of permanently or temporarily marking wires with 3M ScotchCode wire marker tags.
The dispenser allows easy printing of the tag with a permanent marking pen. A built-in blade quickly and neatly cuts the marker. The dispenser also provides a handy platform on which to write, something that's not always readily available in the field. The STD-TAG dispenser is refillable and designed to hold two cartridges of STD wire marking tags (two different sizes, STD-101 and STD-102), as well as a 3M ScotchCode SMP Permanent Marking Pen. The tool is rugged and compact. Applications for both types of tags include identifying wire, cable conduit and tubing, as well as bundling wire, cable or any other objects with a circumference which can be handled with a miniature or standard width cable tie.
The patented 3M ScotchCode STD-TAG Dispenser simplifies the process of permanently or temporarily marking wires with 3M ScotchCode wire marker tags.