3M Hook and Loop Reclosable Fasteners Trial Bags
When you know your application needs the flexibility of many easy openings and secure closings, but don't want the weight of metal closures, try 3M Hook and Loop Fasteners in handy trial bag sizes. Available in a variety of adhesive options or plain back, 3M Hook and Loop trial bags offer the products most commonly used in a quantity appropriate for testing.
Products inclue TB3000 Red, TB3000 Black, TB3000 White, TB3401/TB3402, TB3506/TB3507, TB3526N/TB3527N, TB3530/TB3531, TB3546/TB3547, TB3571/TB3572 and TB3576/TB3577.
When you know your application needs the flexibility of many easy openings and secure closings, but don't want the weight of metal closures, try 3M Hook and Loop Fasteners in handy trial bag sizes. Available in a variety of adhesive options or plain back, 3M Hook and Loop trial bags offer the products most commonly used in a quantity appropriate for testing.